I'm trying to read my Bible this morning when I find a picture stuffed in it. The photo reminds me of someone dear to me who is going through a hard time. I suddenly find myself lassoed in emotions, thoughts, what I want to say, what I can't say. My heart races. My anger swirls and soon enough I'm gone. I'm right in the eye of an emotional tornado looking out onto the farmlands of my life saying: "How did I get here?"
© Brandon Jennings Photography. All Rights Reserved. |
I then realize I'm caught up in a SQUIRREL! Moment.
Just like my pups (in yesterday's blog), I realize that, once again, I've been chased by another squirrel of distraction and soon caught in another whirlwind of emotions. "Where has my mind gone?" I wonder.
Ok. Maintain focus. Resume Bible reading.
Then POUND! POUND! POUND! The thoughts bang through the door of my focus. Distraction has hunted me down once more. I try to tell them go away, but all to quickly, I'm caught up once more.
I know you've been there before. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Yes? Please say yes!
Then, I read a response to yesterday's blog from Aunt Sandy:
One of my favorite versus is Hebrews 12: 1 & 2. When we finally set aside all the things that encumber us to run the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, then the squirrels don't look so inviting.
Thanks Aunt Sandy. I needed that.
So, once more, I press reset and instead of attempting to stuff all those thoughts in a closet and shove the door closed as hard as I can, (but it still doesn't close), I turn them over to God in prayer.
God, thank you that I can come to you.
You know my anxious thoughts. You know my concern, all the hard feelings, the things I don't understand and the host of emotions I have on this matter. Help this matter. Help this person. Give me the strength to back off. This between you and that person and the journey you have for them. Let me not touch it anymore.
It's in your hands, not mine!
In your name, Amen.
Ahhhh! That feels better.
Finally, the fluster of thoughts and emotions die down.
Hopefully, for a while.
But, likely for a moment.
And when the Squirrels of Distraction raise their ugly head once again, I'll yet again turn them over to prayer, knowing that it's ultimately the Father's job to enable the person to come back to Him and His ways, for His salvation and maturity, (John 6:65). I'll preach to my own choir and re-read my own words to an earlier blog this week: "Unless the Father Has Enabled Them."
So, one squirrel down, many more to come.
© Brandon Jennings Photography. All Rights Reserved.
But, with each squirrel, I'll get better at fighting the distraction, will be able to maintain my stance stronger and ultimately, will be able to stay the course, fixating my eyes on Jesus, focusing on the path He has for me.
Today's images are courtesy of:
Brandon is an awesome photographer. Check out his website here!
You can also purchase these images on iStock. Click the links below or on the photos themselves.
Squirrel iStock link: http://www.istockphoto.
Tornado iStock Video link: http://www.istockphoto.com/ stock-video-12620007-rotating- tornado-cloud-formation.php? st=41b1664
Blog Copy Content © Candice Irion 2013, with special thanks to Aunt Sandy for her contribution!! It inspired me to write today's message(:
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