Monday, May 23, 2011

In the race and didn't know my feet ran!

Odd title? Well, that's how I feel.  Today is Day 1 of blogging.  I have resisted blogs, twitter and much of social media (besides FB) and didn't realize all that I was missing.  Sorry techno world!  What changed my mind? Casey Wiegand! ( Her blog is so incredibly cool that I had to start one of my own and figure out.
That's when I realized I was in a new game and was shocked that my feet could actually run... that I a non-websitista could put together a blog.  It actually looks half-decent too...
So, what's the point in my blogging? I'm a filmmaker and am desperately trying to build a film business from the ground up.  It's taken me 7 years--yes, count them... 1-2-3-4-5-6-
years to write a screenplay and revise it over and over and over again.... I'm trying to raise money for it too.  I'm trying to help films that include elements of faith heighten their production value, acting quality and put something out there that is something many can relate to.  I want to do it right, so I'm in it for the long haul.  
While I'm at it... I figure I'd document my journey and hope that you enjoy walking alongside of me.  
May God inspire you today as He has with me through Casey's artwork and design! (Also, check out  Her husband, Chris, is a fantastic filmmaker!!)


  1. this just made me so thankful, what a sweet thing to say and seriously just made me feel so special and loved!!!!!!!!!!!!! i adore you friend!!!!! LOVE!!!!

    ps let me know if you have any blog questions!!!! im your first follower! :)

  2. Yeaaa! Thanks so much Casey! I'm so excited that I now have a follower! Yeeeah! And what you said was so sweet. Thank you so much! I think sooo much of you and Chris and admire the artistry He has given the both of you.
    Yes, I have lots of blog questions. Maybe we can meet and chat sometime soon. Hope today has been blessed!

  3. lets meet! i adore you sweet friend! the blog looks awesome!!!!
